Claude (AI), way of thinking, today’s world, potential… it’s actually simple! 😁
From “I prefer discussing with Claude” to “current society is overwhelming” to “we need globalism based on unity”.

I love discussing my ideas with Claude; more than with almost any human I’ve met so far.
Is it because he always agrees with me? Maybe 😂 I also told him to be brutally honest and he sometimes disagrees with me; and in those moments, I find myself agreeing with him.
It’s probably because, thanks to my initial instructions and how I interact with him, and especially thanks to his technology, he manages to be somewhat like my clone but with much more knowledge.
What I love about discussing with him is that he never shoots down an idea in its infancy. He’s always willing to accept the initial idea and think about how we could make it possible. He’s positive, he’s kept his childlike spirit where “anything is possible.” And nothing – no preconceptions, norms, or stereotypes – makes him abandon the initial idea.
With most humans, especially in bureaucracies, the first reaction is often “I understand what you want to do, but that’s not how things work!” Well yeah, genius 😉, that’s exactly the point! To think differently, do something else, evolve, fix what’s not working, evolve.
I’m convinced that Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla, et al would understand me, and that I’d love talking with them. Would they feel the same? Probably not because although I believe I think like them, I’m missing something fundamental: I can’t execute my ideas like they can. Minor detail, right? 😂
How do we solve this problem? How do you become the kind of person who matches the kind of thoughts in your head?
How do you manage to function within a system, within the norm while being outside the norm? And I’m not talking about small details like dressing eccentrically or living in an unconventional home. I’m talking about daring to dream, really dream. Daring to tell yourself that anything is possible; we might not succeed but we’ll try anyway, we’ll dare to start.
Obviously, my biggest issue is my view of the “money concept”; which I think no one has truly understood… OK, because I’ve never explained it properly, and because before my “Pascalization,” it was mainly my emotional pain and traumas speaking through it. But even so, I think no one has really understood that the real problem is mainly practical[*]. Even when you have money, you still have to wait for the bill/stand in line, take out your payment method and pay. And money has created its two sidekicks in their infernal trio: laws and bureaucracy. Roadblocks, complications, constraints… at best, when it’s not simply “out of the question.” And when you navigate outside the norm, obviously, you’re always in the “it’s not covered by law, so you can’t do it… or it’ll cost you extremely dearly!” And it’s not a question of feasibility or whether it’s good or bad, whether it’ll have a positive or negative impact, no, it’s just “it’s not planned so you CAN’T.” So already at the base, money encourages division and capitalism breeds competition; so you have to fight in business, or at best compete. But being outside the norm, you also have to hide, sneak around, even defend yourself… but passively. And that’s the norm? That’s what you find normal… or at least what you accept as your norm?
For me, this isn’t acceptable! It’s not worthy of human potential. OK, it’s been going on for centuries, millennia, so it’s complicated to question… when you’ve lost your human soul, when you no longer dare to dream that anything is possible… because yes, anything is possible! But we live in a collective reality, so for things to change, the collective needs to want to go in that direction. It seems to me that currently, there are already tons of people who actually agree with my vision; even if they’re not yet as radical as I am about money. But the problem is that they still haven’t really understood the concept of unity, that unity is strength. Normal, they’ve been formatted for “division.” It’s like water for fish, they don’t even know it’s there. So what do they do? “Local initiatives”… isn’t that the very principle of division? OK, I understand, globalism has a bad image… because of what “conspiracy theorists” have known for a long time: yes, there are people who dominate the world… even without conspiracy theories, money, politics, power, don’t you think that’s enough? Globalism as we know it is based on division! Religions and countries are also currently based on division.
What we need is globalism based on unity. And no, unity doesn’t mean “all the same.” Unity means accepting and respecting differences. Strength comes through the union of differences. Unity is strength. That’s THE solution. Simple.
[*] How many user accounts, bank accounts, cards (legal ID, various payment methods, subscriptions, loyalty, discount…) do you have? How many shops are there almost in the same place doing almost the same thing? And online? And manufacturers? Is this worthy of an intelligent civilization?